Prior to your breast augmentation surgery, our surgeon will discuss your ideal breast size and shape. He will also advise you on the best implant for you, depending on your desired profile, implants will be chosen in a size that will best suit your body. We recognise the importance of this decision for you and therefore we spend a lot of time with our patients discussing their desires and expectations.

The implants are inserted through a small incision, usually made along the natural crease of your breast. The procedure takes approximately 2 hours to perform.  An overnight stay in hospital will be required so that we can monitor your progress before you are discharged the following day.

Alternatives to Implants

We offer an alternative breast enlargement procedure for those of you wanting larger breasts without the implants through the use of Fat Transfer which consists of two procedures in one, removing the fat from other body areas via liposuction and re-using the same purified fat to enhance and reshape your breasts.


We advise that you take at least a week off work, depending on the nature of your occupation and what better way to recuperate than at a luxury hotel in either sunny Cyprus or cosmopolitan Istanbul in Turkey.

Our Surgeon will advise you on when to gradually introduce your daily/weekly activities and exercise routines.