Why choose Cyprus for your Plastic Surgery Abroad ?2014-06-09T11:35:59+02:00

With an average of 330 days of sunshine every year, Cyprus is the perfect place to rest and recuperate after your cosmetic surgery abroad.   At Cosmetic Surgery Cyprus we offer comprehensive and flexible travel packages to suit all needs thus eliminating any unnecessary stress around travel arrangements.  We have found through our many years of experience that our patients prefer to have their plastic surgery carried out abroad as this allows them to recover in complete privacy away from the stresses and strains of everyday life.   It is important to choose a competent cosmetic surgeon who is experienced in the procedure that you require.   At Cosmetic Surgery Cyprus we are fortunate to be able to offer the services of Dr Bugra who is widely acknowledged as the best plastic surgeon in Cyprus.

Cosmetic Surgery Abroad – How does the after care process work2016-10-13T11:04:41+02:00

A big concern of many patients is that they will be far away from their surgeon for post operative after care. At Cosmetic Surgery Cyprus we not only ensure that you get the best possible after care throughout your stay in Cyprus but we ensure that we establish long term contact with our patients once they return home also. We are confident that you will be so delighted with the care that you receive you will not only want to come back to us for any other procedures that you may require in the future but you will also recommend us to your family and friends. Dr Bugra will provide you with comprehensive aftercare instructions before you leave Cyprus during his post operative consultation and the whole team at Cosmetic Surgery Cyprus is available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.

Cosmetic Surgery Abroad – Getting the results you want2016-10-13T11:04:41+02:00

If you are thinking about cosmetic surgery the most important decision that you can make is choosing the best plastic surgeon. At Cosmetic Surgery Cyprus we offer the service of the most experienced plastic surgeon in Cyprus. Dr. Bugra will discuss and clarify the treatment options with you and then plan your treatment. He will ensure that your are aware of any risks involved and will take time to make sure that you are comfortable with the process prior to carrying out your surgery in Cyprus. Dr. Bugra will also make sure that he fully understands your desired outcome and prides himself on achieving natural looking results.

Preparing for your Cosmetic Surgery Abroad !2014-06-09T11:36:03+02:00

Cosmetic surgery is a dream for many people and they spend years saving for a procedure that will give them, quite literally, a new look.  In the years of preparing financially for the operation many patients neglect the mental preparation.   Having dreamed about the surgery for such a long time, as the big day gets closer they get nervous and scared, which is completely natural.   At Cosmetic Surgery Cyprus we spend a lot of time explaining the precise details of your plastic surgery and take care of all arrangements so this does not cause you any unnecessary stress.  Though some questions may seem inane to you, they are still important and you deserve answers on what you are facing and what to expect.   Dr Bugra will be happy to answer all of your queries, and it is natural for you to have questions.  Makes notes if you feel like while speaking to your doctor, so that you are able to reread his answers at a later date to understand them better and relax enough to feel not as anxious about your upcoming surgery.