A tummy tuck (or abdominoplasty) is a cosmetic surgery procedure used to make the abdomen flatter and firmer. There are two types of tummy tuck which will depend on how much skin and fat you have removed and our surgeon will explain which type is most suitable for you. Full abdominoplasty is required when the patient has excessive fat deposit plus a drop in the underlying muscle and skin layer. Modified (mini) abdominoplasty is required when the patient has good muscle tone, but there is too much skin and the stomach appears wrinkled. It is becoming more common for an abdominoplasty to be combined with liposuction to remove stubborn pockets of fat and leave you with a smoother contour.
The operation may take up to three hours under general anaesthetic depending on the extent of the fat and skin removal. The procedure starts with an incision across the base of the abdomen that generally follows the bikini line. Incisions for a mini tummy tuck can be significantly smaller and we may also make a second cut to remove your belly button from the surrounding skin. The muscles will then be pulled together and stitched in place, excess fat will also be removed. Your belly button is then re-positioned and your lower abdomen is strapped with bandages. Whatever your motivation having a tummy tuck will give you a flatter, firmer tummy that is more proportionate with your body shape. You will require an overnight stay in hospital, after which you will be discharged with an abdominal support garment that must be worn constantly for the first 2 weeks.
We advise that you take two weeks off work, depending on the nature of your occupation, and what better way to recuperate than at a luxury hotel in either sunny Cyprus or cosmopolitan Istanbul in Turkey.
Our surgeon will advise you when to gradually introduce your daily/weekly activities and exercise routines.